3.10 Add/Edit Items

Connection URL

TEST URL  http://nap.dev.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/add-sale-item
( AL ) PRODUCTION URL  https://v1.icash.al/clientapi/v1/add-sale-item
( BG ) PRODUCTION URL https://v5.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/add-sale-item



Param Description Field type Required.
api_key API Key String YES
nonce Nonce Integer YES
signature Signature String YES
ses Session indentificator String YES
EditSaleItemID Item Identificatior (when edited) Integer No
SaleItemBarcode Barcode String(20) No/YES
SaleItemInventoryID Inventory number String(20) YES/YES
SaleItemName Name of item String(100) YES
SaleItemCashRegisterName Name for POS  String(100) YES
SaleItemType Type product or services ENUM(PRODUCT, SERVICE)

Default  PRODUCT

SaleItemPrimaryMeasureUnitID Measure unit indentificator  Integer YES
SaleItemTaxGroupID Tax Group indentifier Integer YES
SaleItemSellPriceWithoutVat Sell price without vat (with high priority like SaleItemSellPrice) DECIMAL(14,6) YES
SaleItemSellPrice Sell price with vat DECIMAL(14,6) YES
SaleItemForbidSupplements Forbid for deliveries ENUM(0,1)

Default 0

SaleItemForbidSales Forbid for sale ENUM(0,1)

Default 0

SaleItemForbidRefund Foribide for return (Storno) ENUM(0,1)

Default 0

SaleItemComment comment TEXT No
SaleItemSaleItemGroupID Item group ID Integer No


JSON response on success

Param Description Field type Required
nonce Nonce from request Integer YES
status Request status Integer

1 – successful

data Result result


Structure of type “result”

Param Description Field type Required
SaleItemID Indentificator Integer YES



    „nonce“: „1553004069“,
    „status“: 1,
    „data“: {
        „SaleItemID“: 60597


JSON response on unsuccess

Param Description Field type Required
nonce Nonce from request Integer YES
status Request status Integer

0 – unsuccess request

error_message Error Description String YES



    „nonce“: „1553003970“,
    „status“: 0,
    „error_message“: „SaleItemInventoryID is mandatory“


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