3.14 Read operation
Connection URL
TEST URL | http://nap.dev.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/get-operation |
( AL ) PRODUCTION URL | https://v1.icash.al/clientapi/v1/get-operation |
( BG ) PRODUCTION URL | https://v5.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/get-operation |
Param | Description | Field type | Зад./Сорт. |
api_key | API Key | String | YES |
nonce | Nonce | Integer | YES |
signature | Signature | String | YES |
ses | Session indentificator | String | YES |
OperationID | Indentificator на операция | Integer | No/YES |
JSON response on success
Param | Description | Field type | Required |
nonce | Nonce from request | Integer | YES |
status | Request status | Integer
1 – successful |
data | Result | operation | YES |
Structure of type “operation”
Param | Description | Field type | Required |
OperationID | Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationType | Sell or
ReturnClient |
ENUM(Sell, ReturnClient) | YES |
OperationCashRegisterID | Cash register Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationStoreID | Store ID | Integer | YES |
OperationNum | Operation number | Integer | YES |
OperationDate | Operation Date | String YYYY-MM-DD | YES |
OperationStatus | Status | String | YES |
OperationContragentID | Customer/supplier Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationComment | Comment | String | YES |
OperationPrice | Price with discount | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationCurrencyCode | Currency | String(3) | YES |
OperationPriceWithoutVat | Price without VAT | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationTotalVat | Tax of operation | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationPayedSum | Total payed | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationFiskBonUUID | Unique number | String | YES |
OperationCreateUserID | Create user Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationCreateDate | Create date and time | String
OperationCompleteUserID | User ID that complete operation | Integer | YES |
OperationCompleteDate | Date and time of completion | String
OperationPosCompleteDate | Date and time in POS completion | String
OperationTotalDiscount | Dicount in % | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationImportType | Import type | String | YES |
OperationImportRefID | Referal number of import software | String(30) | YES |
OperationImportSource | Referal ID of import softwate | String(30) | YES |
OperationElectronicReceipt | Is complete with electronic receipt | ENUM(YES, NO) | YES |
stornoType | Type of return | ENUM(0,1,2) | YES-Сторно |
FiskBonRcpNum | Fiscal bon receipt number | Integer | YES -Сторно |
FiskDeviceNum | Number of cash register that is printed the operation which is returned | Integer ( >= 10000000) | YES -Сторно |
FiskBonDate | Date of sale that is returned | String (DD-MM-YY HH:mm) | YES -Сторно |
FiskBonUUID | Unique number of sale that is returned | String (/^([a-zA-Z0-9]{8})-([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})-(\d{7})$/) | YES -Сторно |
OperationSaleItems | Canceled items of operation | Array of operation_saleitem | YES |
OperationPayments | Payments of operation | Array of payment | YES |
OperationElectronicDataQrCode | QR of printed receipt | String | YES – при OperationElectronicReceipt = YES |
OperationElectronicDataReceipt | Text from cash register | String | YES – при OperationElectronicReceipt = YES |
SellOperationID | Id of operation that is returned | Integer | YES -Сторно |
OperationOperationCustomStateName | Name of state | String | YES |
Structure of type “operation_saleitem”
Param | Description | Field type | Required |
OperationSaleItemID | Item Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationSaleItemOperationID | Operation Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationSaleItemSaleItemID | Item/product Indentificator | Integer | YES |
OperationSaleItemStatus | Status of item | ENUM
OperationSaleItemPMUQuantity | Quantity | DECIMAL(10,5) | YES |
OperationSaleItemPrice | Unite price with discount | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationSaleItemCurrencyCode | Currency | String(3) | YES |
OperationSaleItemPriceWithoutVat | Item unit price with discount without tax | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationSaleItemDiscount | Discount in % | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
OperationSaleItemAverageBuyPrice | Average delivery price | DECIMAL(15,5) | YES |
MeasureUnitName | Measure unit name | String | YES |
Structure of type “payment”
Param | Description | Field type | Required |
PaymentID | Payment Indentificator | Integer | YES |
PaymentOperationID | Operation Indentificator | Integer | YES |
PaymentSum | Operation unique number | DECIMAL(10,2) | YES |
PaymentPayTypeID | Method of payment Indentificator | Integer | YES |
PaymentCurrencyCode | Currency | String(3) | YES |
PaymentCashRegisterID | Cash register Indentificator | Integer | YES |
PaymentCreateUserID | User Indentificator | Integer | YES |
PaymentCreateDate | Payment date and time | (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) |
{ „nonce“: „1553071123“, „status“: 1, „data“: { „OperationID“: 56078, „OperationType“: „ReturnClient“, „OperationCashRegisterID“: 1, „OperationStoreID“: 1, „OperationNum“: 190, „OperationDate“: „2019-03-20“, „OperationStatus“: „NORMAL“, „OperationContragentID“: null, „OperationComment“: „“, „OperationPrice“: „7.30000“, „OperationCurrencyCode“: „BGN“, „OperationPriceWithoutVat“: „6.08000“, „OperationTotalVat“: „1.22000“, „OperationPayedSum“: „7.30000“, „OperationFiskBonUUID“: „DY406477-0001-0000440“, „OperationCreateUserID“: 1, „OperationCreateDate“: „2019-03-20 10:44:19“, „OperationCompleteUserID“: 1, „OperationCompleteDate“: „2019-03-20 10:45:18“, „OperationPosCompleteDate“: „2019-03-20 10:45:17“, „OperationTotalDiscount“: „0.00000“, „OperationImportType“: „API“, „OperationImportRefID“: „388“, „OperationImportSource“: „API TEST“, „OperationElectronicReceipt“: „YES“, „OperationSaleItems“: [ { „OperationSaleItemID“: 86660, „OperationSaleItemOperationID“: 56078, „OperationSaleItemSaleItemID“: 37891, „OperationSaleItemStatus“: „NORMAL“, „OperationSaleItemPMUQuantity“: „1.00000“, „OperationSaleItemPrice“: „7.30000“, „OperationSaleItemCurrencyCode“: „BGN“, „OperationSaleItemPriceWithoutVat“: „6.08333“, „OperationSaleItemDiscount“: „0.00000“, „OperationSaleItemAverageBuyPrice“: „0.00000“, „MeasureUnitName“: „кг” } ], „OperationPayments“: [ { “PaymentID”:34, „PaymentOperationID“: 56078, „PaymentSum“: „7.30“, „PaymentPayTypeID“: 1, „PaymentCurrencyCode“: „BGN“, „PaymentCashRegisterID“: 1, „PaymentCreateUserID“: 1, „PaymentCreateDate“: „2019-03-20 10:45:14“ } ], „stornoType“: „0“, „FiskBonRcpNum“: „292“, „FiskDeviceNum“: „36542249“, „FiskBonDate“: „20-03-19 10:44“, „FiskBonUUID“: „DY406477-0001-0000439“ „SellOperationID“: null, „OperationOperationCustomStateName“: „“ }, „OperationElectronicDataQrCode“: „“, „OperationElectronicDataReceipt“: „\u001aD\t0000543 16-07-2019 12:17\r\u001aT\tB H ФИРМА: \r\u001aT\tB H Адрес: \r\u001aT\tN H ЕИК: –––-\r\u001aT\tN o #0001 Оператор 03 0003\r\u001aT\tN B УНП: DY406477-0001-0000611 \r\u001aT\tN B 1.000 x 10.00 = \r\u001aT\tN B ПРПХ\“Еаu\“ А/Ш бал.50мл 82232 \r\u001aT\tN B 10.00 Б\r\u001aT\tB B ОБЩА СУМА: 10.00\r\u001aT\tN P В БРОЙ 10.00\r\u001aT\tN B 01 артикул \r\u001aT\tB F Екип Ракета \r\u001aT\tB F Здравейте 22 \r\u001aT\tN D 0000543 16-07-2019 12:17\r\u001aT\tB T NOФИСКАЛЕН БОН \r\u001aT\tN Y DY406477 36542249\r\u001aT\tN S FBDDA-9ACF1-D1FBE-1C792 \r\u001aT\tN S B9D77-D64ED-683EC-00025 \r\u001aE\r“} |
JSON response on unsuccess
Param | Description | Field type | Required |
nonce | Nonce from request | Integer | YES |
status | Request status | Integer
0 – unsuccess request |
error_message | Error Description | String | YES |
{ „nonce“: „1553071114“, „status“: 0, „error_message“: „Wrong value for OperationID“ } |