3.22. Get document

Connection URL

TEST URL  http://nap.dev.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/get-document
( AL ) PRODUCTION URL https://v1.icash.al/clientapi/v1/get-document
( BG ) PRODUCTION URL https://v5.icash.bg/clientapi/v1/get-document



Param Description Field type Required.
api_key API Key String YES
nonce Nonce Integer YES
signature Signature String YES
ses Session indentificator String YES
DocumentID Indentificator на документа Integer No/YES


JSON response on success

Param Description Field type Required
nonce Nonce from request Integer YES
status Request status Integer

1 – successful

data Result document YES


Structure of type “document

Param Description Field type Required
DocumentID Document ID Integer YES
DocumentStatus Status ENUM(NORMAL,DELETED)

Default  NORMAL

DocumentNum Document number Integer YES
DocumentType INVOICE 


DocumentStoreID Store ID Integer YES
DocumentOperationID ID of operation Integer YES
DocumentOperationType Type of operation ENUM(NORMAL,FINANCIAL) YES
DocumentSubType Sub Type of document ENUM(NORMAL,CREDIT,DEBIT) YES
DocumentDate Document date STRING(YYYY-MM-DD) YES
DocumentFirmName Company name String YES
DocumentFirmAddress Company address String YES
DocumentFirmMOL Company manager String YES
DocumentFirmEIK Company Number String YES
DocumentContragentID Customer ID Integer YES
DocumentContragentName Customer name String YES
DocumentContragentAddress Customer address String YES
DocumentContragentMOL Customer manager String YES
DocumentContragentTaxNum Customer company ID String YES
DocumentContragentTaxNumVatReg Customer Tax Number String YES
DocumentToDocumentID Reffer document ID (Credit/Debit) Integer YES
DocumentToDocumentDate Reffer document date number (Credit/Debit) String


DocumentPriceBase Bse price DECIMAL(15,2) YES
DocumentDiscount Disccount % DECIMAL(7,5) YES
DocumentTotalPrice Total price DECIMAL(15,2) YES
DocumentTotalPriceTxt Amount text String YES
DocumentCurrencyCode Currency String YES
DocumentPayTypeID Pay type ID Integer YES
DocumentPayDate Pay date String


DocumentBankAccountID Bank account ID Integer YES
DocumentBankAccountBankName Bank name String YES
DocumentBankAccountIBAN IBAN  String YES
DocumentBankAccountBIC BIC  String YES
DocumentBankAccountCurrencyCode Bank currency String YES
DocumentAcceptedBy Accepted by String YES
DocumentCreatedBy ПреYESл String YES
DocumentCreateUserID Indentificator на поребителя съзYESл документа Integer YES
DocumentCreateDate Date of creation String


DocumentVatReason Tax condition  String YES
DocumentComment Comment String YES
DocumentServices Редове на фактурата service YES


Structure of type “service

Param Description Field type Required
DocumentServiceSaleItemID Indentificator на артикула Integer YES
DocumentServiceDescription Description on Product/Service String YES
DocumentServiceMeasureUnitID Indentificator on measure unit Integer YES
DocumentServiceMeasureUnitName Name of measure unit  String YES
DocumentServiceVatPercent TAX % DECIMAL(7,5) YES
DocumentServiceTaxGroupID Indentificator tax group Integer YES
DocumentServiceSinglePrice Unit price DECIMAL(19,6) YES
DocumentServiceQty Quantity DECIMAL(10,5) YES
DocumentServiceDiscount Discount % DECIMAL(7,5) YES
DocumentServiceTotalPrice Total price DECIMAL(15,2) YES
DocumentServiceCreateUserID User indentificator  Integer YES
DocumentServiceCreateDate Create date String





    „nonce“: „1553263542“,
    „status“: 1,
    „data“: {
        „DocumentID“: 1,
        „DocumentStatus“: „NORMAL“,
        „DocumentNum“: 1,
        „DocumentType“: „INVOICE“,
        „DocumentStoreID“: null,
        „DocumentOperationID“: 34314,
        „DocumentOperationType“: „NORMAL“,
        „DocumentSubType“: „NORMAL“,
        „DocumentDate“: „2016-09-26“,
        „DocumentFirmName“: „Concord company Ltd.“,
        „DocumentFirmAddress“: „Noсебър, Address line 1“,
        „DocumentFirmMOL“: „Company manager“,
        „DocumentFirmEIK“: „1234567890“,
        „DocumentContragentID“: 25,
        „DocumentContragentName“: „Investment Holding Ltd“,
        „DocumentContragentAddress“: „New York, P.O3434 „,
        „DocumentContragentMOL“: „John Smith“,
        „DocumentContragentTaxNum“: „115825956“,
        „DocumentContragentTaxNumVatReg“: „BG115825956“,
        „DocumentToDocumentID“: 0,
        „DocumentToDocumentDate“: „0000-00-00“,
        „DocumentPriceBase“: „20.00“,
        „DocumentDiscount“: „0.00000“,
        „DocumentTotalPrice“: „24.00“,
        „DocumentTotalPriceTxt“: „Twenti four EUR and 00“,
        „DocumentCurrencyCode“: „EUR“,
        „DocumentPayTypeID“: 1,
        „DocumentPayDate“: „2016-09-17“,
        „DocumentBankAccountID“: 0,
        „DocumentBankAccountBankName“: „“,
        „DocumentBankAccountIBAN“: „“,
        „DocumentBankAccountBIC“: „“,
        „DocumentBankAccountCurrencyCode“: „EUR“,
        „DocumentAcceptedBy“: „“,
        „DocumentVatReason“: „Text of vat reason“,
        „DocumentCreatedBy“: „John Smith“,
        „DocumentCreateUserID“: 1,
        „DocumentCreateDate“: „2016-09-26 12:02:32“,
        „DocumentComment“: „“,
        „DocumentServices“: [
                „DocumentServiceSaleItemID“: 36978,
                „DocumentServiceDescription“: „Ножици за педикюр \“\“Твърди нокти\“\“\““,
                „DocumentServiceMeasureUnitID“: 1,
                „DocumentServiceMeasureUnitName“: „бр.“,
                „DocumentServiceVatPercent“: 20,
                „DocumentServiceTaxGroupID“: 2,
                „DocumentServiceSinglePrice“: „20.000000“,
                „DocumentServiceQty“: „1.00000“,
                „DocumentServiceDiscount“: „0.00000“,
                „DocumentServiceTotalPrice“: „20.00“,
                „DocumentServiceCreateUserID“: 1,
                „DocumentServiceCreateDate“: „2016-09-26 12:02:32“


JSON response on unsuccess

Param Description Field type Required
nonce Nonce from request Integer YES
status Request status Integer

0 – unsuccess request

error_message Error Description String YES



    „nonce“: „1552990901“,
    „status“: 0,
    „error_message“: „Session expired“


Live example:

In this example, 3 methods of API are used
1. login – to authorise in API
2. documents-list – to take a list of documents from the last 30 days. Pay attention to the attributes DocumentDateFrom, DocumentDateTo – limiting the search period.
3. get-document – with which the detailed information about the document is taken
function 3 is executed in a loop as long as there are documents from the period.Click here to view example in new tab

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